
Leadership with integrity.

During Marilyn’s tenure as Mayor, Alameda has made significant progress. Examples include:

  • Built hundreds of units of affordable housing that helped working families remain in Alameda, and provided homes for formerly unhoused individuals, including seniors, veterans, and families;
  • Improved transit options — including Seaplane Lagoon ferry terminal with direct bus service between BART and ferry, and expanded Harbor Bay ferry schedule — to reduce auto traffic and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to sea level rise, an existential threat to our island community;
  • Mitigated the impact of climate change and sea level rise by securing needed infrastructure funding and collaborating with neighboring jurisdictions;
  • Assisted vulnerable residents and businesses during the pandemic with Mayor’s COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force, Feed Alameda program, and Alameda Strong grants;
  • Began CARE Team pilot program to direct non-violent calls for service for mental health crises, substance abuse, and/or homelessness to specially trained Alameda Fire Department EMT/paramedics assisted by mental health clinicians, allowing Alameda Police Department officers to respond to serious crime;
  • Alameda Police Department recruited talented and diverse officers;
  • Continued the transformation of Alameda Point; and
  • Increased parks and open space.

The next four years will be critical to securing these gains and continuing to address the ongoing challenges facing our city.

Marilyn will continue to address the housing crisis by building more affordable housing, and providing transitional and permanent housing for unsheltered individuals and families.

She will champion safer streets for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and advocate for innovative transit options to reduce automobile traffic.

She will continue to support local businesses and attract new businesses to the island.

Marilyn has a clear track record tackling the toughest issues facing our city. Over more than two decades of community service, she has proven to be an effective consensus-builder who makes decisions with the best interests of Alameda residents in mind. From leading campaigns to build a new Main Library and Save Alameda Hospital, to serving ten years on the City Council, Marilyn has consistently demonstrated a thorough understanding of the issues facing Alameda, and a deep commitment to this city and its residents. 

Alamedans expect and deserve a Mayor people can trust—a strong, principled leader who promotes ethical city government and will ensure Alameda remains a vibrant, safe, and liveable community. 

Marilyn is that leader.

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